Maximilian Schöberl
Executive Vice President, BMW Group
Maximilian Schöberl was born on 8 June 1963 in Göttingen, Germany. After his studies in Business Administration at the College of Applied Scienes in Regenburg, he began his career in the field of communication in 1991 as an editor at the German national public television station ZDF in Mainz. Just one year later, he became Head of Media and Public Relation of the political party CSU at their offices in Bonn and Munich. After having worked as a Managing Director of the media company KirchBeteiligung, he became the Director of Corporate Communication and Policy at Vodafone. In 2006 he joined the BMW Group as Senior Vice President of Corporate Affairs and is responsible for all communications, sustainability and political activities worldwide of the premium automobile manufacturer. His appointment as Executive Vice President of the BMW Group followed in 2015.